Don’t be distracted


The world is currently moving at its fastest pace. We live in a very interesting time where opinion sharing is easier, awareness raising is faster, subconscious learning is dominant and communication is effortless.  Simply put, influence is like Monday; it is very unavoidable. We are all greatly influenced by this seemingly important but drastically distractive tool called “social media” – in my opinion the most powerful weapon of this age. I nearly lost my head when I came across the job title “social media influencer” – which essentially means a person with a lot of followers. New standards are set daily, new social media challenges, new lingo, new role models, new “normals”…. All happening at an immensely fast pace.

Knowledge is currently very accessible, however multiple studies have showed that average IQ scores are sinking. This might be due to many factors, but in my personal opinion I will say it is due to distraction from bad influence.

There is nothing wrong with influence unless it is the right type. I personally believe the generation before us had greater inventions because they were more motivated and less distracted. Life seemed more real and originality wasn’t farfetched. To be a celebrity meant a lot, because it wasn’t a two-week journey. Inventions were a very big deal because there weren’t a lot of already laid out protocols and manuals to follow. There was more originality.

It’s a sort of blessing and a curse for us, because we have very easily accessible tools to gain knowledge to help us excel. However, this same tool has become for most of us the most distractive and detrimental part of our lives – social media.

My message for us this year is “don’t be distracted”. No offence, I personally think there are lot less “actively wise” individuals; and if you are going to allow everyone to influence you, you will lose yourself without even knowing it. Social media is a central bank of knowledge where everyone freely deposits what they know, what they believe and have experienced. You can change to be a very different person in a month, if social media is where you live and that is your home. It is very easy to subconsciously learn people’s ideologies and standards. If you desperately want to be successful, the time is now; because everyone is distracted!” You have all the knowledge at your disposal and all your competitors are distracted. All you have to do is take a step back, tap into your original nature (which is your amazing God-created self), add value to yourself, work hard and achieve.

The devil is always working. For him to destroy, he steals(John 10:10), and for him to steal he distracts. Stay on your guard, keep your eyes open, you do not have to be like everyone else. Stick to your standards and believe in what you believe.


Happy new year!


– Sam